Thursday, June 28, 2007

Black Jack Rackham

I've been going back through my old files and trying to grab and post one song every day or two, but this one is something I wrote yesterday and today. It's still in rough draft. I'm planning on sea chantey-type music, but I've been reading a book about Paul McCartney so I think it'd be cool to throw in some "Yellow Submarine" type sounds, and the bridge is kind of rap-like. Here it is:
Black Jack Rackham
Black Jack Rackham, a bucccaneer captain
And vet'ran of many a boarding expedition,
Sighted the chase and came about smartly
As soon as he enterd the Bucket o Blood.

A fine looking lass, he needed no glass
To admire her bowsprit an' the cut o her jib
He cruised up beside her, an' then crossed her hawser
to bring the full weight of his broadside to bear.
So here's to the barroom buccaneer, here's to the pub-stool pirate
Here's to a tavern wench on my knee, and a cold pint of ale beside me.

Double-shot loaded, with Cruzan rum
He ordered another, and another again
Then his Jolly Roger he ran up the jackstaff
Prepared to board her and hefted his gaff.
He said Hey ya ho, let's have a go! And yo ho ho, yeah blow the man down!
But she said No way Joe, I don't play for dough, and I'm not impressed by what ye've shown.
Black Jack Rackham, the buccaneer captain
and vet'ran of many a boarding expedition,
Gave up the chase and bore away sharply
To careen on the beach and repair his caulking.

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