Sunday, July 15, 2007

A Cure for Cancer

This is one that Meg, for some reason, particularly thinks other people will enjoy hearing:

Heard the news the other day, reseach study shows
Orgasms help your prostate. Gotta flush out the hose!
Workin' on a cure for cancer. My health is important to me.
Jerkin' to prevent that cancer. Gotta stay cancer-free.

Woke up the other morning, It was a beautiful day.
Thought it looked so nice out, I'd just leave it that way.
Pass me another tissue, somethin's drippin' on my leg.
There's another thousand swimmers 'll never make it to an egg.
My girlfriend called me at lunch, asked, "Honey, what ya doin'?"
I didn't miss a beat, I said, "I'm just thinkin' 'bout you and..."
I don’t want to be selfish, I scan the news eagerly
For the study that shows that women can stop cancer of the ovaries.
Now I need to stop singing; Science is calling me.
I wish I could stay a little longer, but more research is necessary.

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